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Introducing “Specific landing page for logged users” Feature

Did you ever want to have a landing page specific for a logged user*? It is available now!

In the store admin area, edit & create user pages have a new option as “redirect user at login” with the following options

  • Default homepage: the store homepage (current default)
  • Favourites page: the user saved favourites
  • Other: defined by the admin
With this feature you can, for example, set a search for the customer favourite brand in the store and then set that URL as the landing page. Then, when the user logs on he immediately sees those search results. Let us know if you wish to have this activated for your users.

*This feature is not available in entry level stores, a paying option in pro level stores, included in advanced level stores.

Introducing “stock status search filtering”

We are working on adding the “in stock” checkbox to the left-hand search filtering. This simple change will improve the search experience and will make it easier to find relevant products for your customers. We’ll keep you posted as soon as it’s ready!


E-nitiative Round Table Discussion is on 25th October 2018

Join us to talk about your webstore: How do you register it with Google webmaster tools, How do you process an order, How can you change the colour scheme of your webstore… No fixed programme, just a round table conversation with our customers.

Come, see us in person and find out what you need, first hand.


on October 25th from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm at our offices.

  • Limited to 10 registrations per session.
  • Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

E-nitiative Headquarters
168 rue Emile Féronstraat
B-1060 Brussels.

Feel free to contact us at customersupport@e-nitiative.be or reply to this email along with the coordinates of the person to contact.

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