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November 2020
Coupon Code
Featuring Enhancement - Auto-generated Coupon Codes

We have improved the coupon code feature*** for the stores. Using a coupon, you can create a discount for a category, brand or a product. These coupons were using a large unique string which works great in URLs but are not so handy to type in your newsletter.

With the update, it's now possible to generate a handy coupon code like "X-mas2020" or "happynewyear" and use that for your campaigns. Let us know if you wish to have this enabled for your existing coupon module, or if you would like to enable the optional coupon with the easy coupon code feature for your store, if you don't have it already.

*** Coupon Codes Feature is available for pro level and advanced level stores.

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E-nitiative Headquarters
168 rue Emile Féronstraat
B-1060 Brussels.

Feel free to contact us at customersupport@e-nitiative.be or reply to this email along with the coordinates of the person to contact.

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